[2007-12-23] LEGO mecha minifig head exploit

A LEGO power armor model incorporating a minifig head at a more realistic scale than an actual minifig.

A trick I've noticed many LEGO mecha modellers using is what I call the "head exploit." Kyle Vrieze's excellent power armor model (MLCAD file here), shown above, provides a good example. Basically, the trick exploits the disproportionality of the LEGO minifig head by placing it on a larger and more realistically proportioned body.

A standard LEGO minifig shown in front and right-side views; horizontal lines have been imposed to show its height in heads.

As is obvious to even the most casual observer, the minifig head is much too large for the minifig body, which is about 4 heads tall, whereas a realistically proportioned human body is about 8:

A sketch of human male anatomy from the front and right side with superimposed lines showing figure height relative to head height.  Figure is about 7.5 heads tall.

What's more, many mecha are designed with what might be called "heroic proportions," with large bodies and small heads. There are considerably more extreme examples than blahblah's Gundam shown below, which is a relatively reserved 9.5 heads tall.

A Gundam-style mecha shown in front and right side views with superimposed lines showing height in heads of about 9.5.

Many futuristic- or mechanical-looking minifig heads or helmets have been produced over the years. The #x182 "UFO Helmet" shown above in Kyle's model is a great example, but there are many others. I've compiled a list of good "head exploit" candidates by browsing the parts pages over at BrickLink.

Black Minifig, Visor Underwater x41
Chrome Gold Minifig, Visor Large x111
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Round Bubble 30214
White Minifig, Headgear Helmet Underwater with Clips x40
Dark Gray Minifig, Headgear Helmet Underwater Aquashark 6089
Dark Bluish Gray Minifig, Scuba Tank 30091
Dark Blue Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Hahli bb119
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Hewkii bb121
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Jaller bb123
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Kongu bb124
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Matoro bb132
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Inika Toa Nuparu bb136
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Avak bb105
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Hakann bb106
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Reidak bb110
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Thok bb111
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Vezok bb113
Minifig, Head Modified Bionicle Piraka Zaktan bb115
Minifig, Visor Pointed x126
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Castle with Angled Cheek Protection bb52
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Castle with Fixed Face Grill x167
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Castle with Studded Bands and Cheek Protection bb303
Minifig, Visor Old with Grill and Feather x105
Metallic Silver Minifig, Headgear Helmet with Wings bb302
Minifig, Headgear Helmet with Bat Wings x183
Minifig, Visor Fanciful for Danju Minifig 48485
Minifig, Visor Fanciful for Jayko Minifig 48486
Minifig, Visor Fanciful for Vladek Minifig 48489
Minifig, Visor Fanciful for Rascus Minifig 48488
Minifig, Visor Fanciful for Santis Minifig 48487
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Castle with Dragon Crown Top x43
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Ninja (Samurai) x63
Minifig, Headgear Helmet Underwater with Hose x168
Minifig, Headgear Helmet with Breathing Apparatus and Headlights 30325
Minifig, Headgear Helmet UFO with Mechanical Pattern x182px1
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Clone Trooper Ep.3 bb83
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Clone Trooper Ep.2 bb82
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Darth Vader 30368
Minifig, Head Modified General Grievous bb179
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Rocket Pack x50
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Skiff Guard bb208
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Rebel Scout Trooper 61182
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Royal Guard x132
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Scout Trooper x52
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Snowtrooper x181
Minifig, Headgear Helmet SW Stormtrooper Pattern x130

Each of these "exploitable" minifig heads or headgear is the potential starting point of an original LEGO mecha design. The principle is simple: pick a head and design a body to go with it.

last modified 2007-12-23
